
When you're exhausted, looking at your space and deciding where to start can feel overwhelming. Clutter not only crowds your home but also your mind, making it hard to focus on other tasks. Decision fatigue is one of the biggest obstacles to organizing—even figuring out where to begin can feel like a monumental task. But there are ways to gently guide yourself into action and create a more peaceful, functional space without overloading your brain or body.

Quick Wins: Start with Trash

To overcome that initial hurdle, aim for a quick win. Begin by picking up items that are obviously trash. Maybe there are soda bottles you thought you'd finish later or tags from new clothes you kept in case of a return. Identifying and tossing these small, obvious items can provide an immediate sense of relief.

Don't worry if you're unsure whether something is trash—the goal is simply to start sorting a single category that's easy to manage. This process also sets you up for future success; consider keeping a garbage bag or bin in each room to make discarding items more convenient.

Focus on One Item at a Time

When you face a cluttered pile, it's easy to feel paralyzed by the sheer variety of items. Your brain races, trying to figure out where everything should go, and the overwhelm can leave you stuck. Instead of spiraling, pick up the closest item you can carry. If making a decision feels daunting, close your eyes (if it's safe to do so) and grab something at random. Open your eyes and focus only on deciding where that one item belongs.

Bring Items Closer to Their Homes

If you don't have an established home for an item or its intended space is currently cluttered, bring it as close to its intended home as possible. This might mean moving it to a specific room, closet, or shelf without worrying about its exact placement yet. Doing this will make it easier to complete the organizing process later when you have more mental energy.

Be mindful of the temptation to start organizing a different area while moving items around. Switching focus too often can scatter your efforts and leave you feeling like you've made little progress. Stick to the area you originally intended to tidy to maximize results.

Set a Timer and Track Progress

Sometimes, the novelty of a timed challenge can spark motivation. Set a timer for five minutes and see how much you can tidy in that time. If five minutes feels like too much, try one or two minutes instead. Tracking the number of items you organize each day can also provide a sense of accomplishment. Over time, you might even challenge yourself to beat your previous record as you strengthen your "organizing muscles."

Keep Categories Simple

Avoid getting bogged down in overly specific categories when sorting items. Broad categories require less decision-making power and help you see progress more quickly. Once you've grouped items into broad categories, you can decide later if specific categories need more detailed subcategories. This allows you to adapt your system as your space becomes more organized and functional.

For instance, if you embellish clothing with rhinestones, you may want your rhinestones sorted by color, size, or both. However, you can store your glue with general crafting supplies and likely have no trouble identifying it among the other items. Focus on creating functional systems that work for your current energy levels.

Enlist a Buddy

Having someone with you can make organizing feel less daunting and more enjoyable. A friend's presence might inspire you to clear space for their arrival. If you both struggle with clutter, trade off helping each other. Set a specific goal during your friend's visit, like tackling one room or working for an hour, and stick to it. Even if your friend is just there to chat while you organize, their company can make the process feel less overwhelming. Alternatively, you can call a friend while you both work on your respective spaces—a virtual "buddy system."

An Item A Day Keeps Clutter At Bay

If all else fails, aim to put away just one item each day. It may not seem like much, but even this small effort chips away at the clutter over time. Plus, building this habit can create momentum, making it easier to do more in the future. One less item in the pile means one less thing to deal with later.

Progress Over Perfection

Organizing may feel like the last thing you have energy for at the end of a busy day. However, the visual clutter also steals your energy and makes relaxation difficult. By taking small, gradual steps to attack the clutter, you can support mental health and make your home a sanctuary. Remember, any effort—no matter how small—is a step forward. Celebrate your progress, and keep going!


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Reclaim Time With Home Organizing

How to Reclaim Your Time Through Organizing

Implement these five organizing habits to save time throughout your busy week! 


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