One reason you could have been unsuccessful in your previous organizing attempts is that you don't have the proper motivation. You feel a lot of outside pressure to have a tidy home, but when the influences are external, it's hard to get off the couch.
So, how does one get inspired to organize?
Simple. You find your internal motivation.
Of course, simple doesn't always equal easy, so let's discuss!
One exercise I've suggested to my clients in the past is to use the "Five Whys" exercise. You ask yourself, "Why do I want to get organized?" From there, you ask yourself, "Why is that important?" four times. With each ask, you get a more profound answer. Usually, by the fifth time you ask "why," you've found a deep, intrinsic need that getting organized can fulfill. It can also help you decide where to start in your organizing journey.
Here is an example of how to use this exercise:
First WHY: "Why do you want to get organized?"
First answer: "I want to host a party."
Second WHY: "Why is that important?"
Second answer: "I want to have fun with my friends."
Third WHY: "Why is that important?"
Third answer: "Because I enjoy connecting with my friends."
Fourth WHY: "Why is that important?"
Fourth answer: "Because my friends bring me life!"
Fifth WHY: "Why is that important?"
Fifth answer: "Because I enjoy belonging to a group of people I highly enjoy and respect."
What themes are you finding in the answers, especially the ones a little further in the exercise? In this example, this person needs belonging and connection. Getting organized would provide a space for this person to invite friends and family over to connect. Now, when organizing, they not only have the party in mind but also more permanent solutions instead of hiding things in a closet haphazardly.
I made a one-page printable you can download here if writing things down on paper is helpful to you.
It's great to know your "why," but how do you keep it front of mind when you are making decisions that affect your end goal? Many of us have brains seeking short-term pleasures that often deter long-term goals.
Visual reminders set up in strategic spaces can help! Here is a list to help inspire you to keep your organizing goals front of mind:
Sometimes, we need help feeling motivated to put the work in to organize for ourselves. But discovering and embracing your internal motivation is the key to lasting organizing efforts. Armed with a clear understanding of your motivations and the right strategies to keep them in focus, you're well-equipped to embark on a successful and meaningful organizing journey.
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